Friday, March 31, 2006

Fit Inside Movie

Here's another online movie that is about self improvement / personal development. It is the Fit Inside movie and it's about what real beauty should be all about, and feeling good about yourself. After all, even if you look good on the outside you can't maintain it if you don't feel good about things emotionally or spiritually.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Stress Management: Medical Risks of Stress.

We recently ran an article by Mary Desaulniers, called Can Stress Be Good For You which looked at both the negative effects of stress and the positive results that we could channel stress into to. In this article by Karen Cole-Peralta, an opposite approach is taken showing that very harmful effects of stress and expressing that to be our healthiest that stress must be reduced.
Karen's article starts as follows:
What is Stress?

Stress may be defined as the three-way relationship between demands on people, our feelings about those demands and our ability to cope with them.

Stress is most likely to occur in situations where:

1. Demands are high.
2. The amount of control we have is low.
3. There is limited support or help available for us.

Who is Affected Most by Stress?

Virtually all people experience stressful events or situations that overwhelm our natural coping mechanisms. And although some people are biologically prone to stress, many outside factors influence susceptibility as well.
For more of Karen's article simply go to Stress Management: Medical Risks of Stress.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Can Stress Be Good For You?

Did you know that stress can actually be good for you? Mary Desaulniers, a runner, a writer and a retired school teacher shows in this article at that stress can actually be good for you. An excerpt from her article Can Stress Be Good For You? follows:
John has just been given the prospect of starting a new business overseas. He sits around moping; the idea of moving into alien territory fills him with dread, worry and anxiety. Fearful of losing this opportunity, yet unable to make up his mind about really wanting it, he makes no decision. Four weeks later, he comes down with pneumonia.

Jim has been given the same prospect. He is excited by the idea, but worries about leaving a secure and profitable niche here at home. He lists the pros and cons of the venture, goes over them, carefully weighing each item before coming to the decision that the benefits of the business abroad far outweigh the fears he has now. He bristles with excitement. Galvanized, he plunges into action. He feels alert and energetic, ready to tackle the challenge of a new opportunity.

John is a perfect example of how negative stress can make you sick. Jim, on the other hand, is a perfect illustration of what we don’t usually hear about— that stress can sometimes be good for you.
If becoming more like Jim than John interests you read Mary's article Can Stress Be Good For You? to find out more.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Your Emotional Barometer - Release Stored Emotions Before the Storm Hits

Have you ever known anyone who normally seems like a calm, has it all together person who suddenly screams and yells at someone even possibly at a loved one? What about knowing someone who never says I love you or shows affection who suddenly bursts into tears after hearing about a terrible accident that doesn't even concern them? Does one of these scenarios even describe you?

Although such conditions can sometimes be the results of a deep psychosis, it is quite possible that these people just don't know how to express their emotions so instead they bottle them up inside. Then all at once something triggers them to go be released often at an innapropriate time. Emotions are a normal part of every human being. Our negative emotions are signals worth paying attention to, but can be damaging to our health if we ignore them and store them. Lori Radun, a certified life coach, gives nine great advice tips as to how to manage and release emotions in an appropriate manner in her article Your Emotional Barometer - Release Stored Emotions Before the Storm Hits.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The ADD Movie

I just got sent an email link about a new short online movie about ADD. Attention Deficit Disorder does not have to be a downfall. In fact its so called weakness can also be your strengths if you are someone with ADD. To see what I am talking about simply visit the link: and view what I thought was very fascinating and encouraging.
Although I have never been formally diagnosed with ADD I have several of the various similarities described in the "movie".
Do you have ADD? If so consider it a blessing rather than a curse. You might be surprised at the amazing tendencies you have to be a success.