Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mothers Day Gifts

Well today I have a Mother's Day present for you. My own Mother is currently in the hospital and I would ask for all of you who are believer's to pray for her continued well being. She went in for knee surgery on May 1, 2006 and on May 6th had a heart attack while still at the hospital. She is doing better but she still needs your prayers.

As for the Mother's Day gifts if you are a mother than please look at this video and see how important that you are. If you are not a mother but a son or a daughter, please consider sharing this video with your mother. It is called the New Mom movie and it is at

Happy Mother's Day to all moms and make sure to remember yours.

Technorati tags: moms mothers+day mothers prayers heart+attack video movie

Friday, May 12, 2006

Part of being a champ is acting like a champ.

"Part of being a champ is acting like a champ. You have to learn how to win and not run away when you lose. Everyone has bad stretches and real successes. Either way, you have to be careful not to lose your confidence or get too confident."

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Prosperity and getting started

As a part of self improvement, personal development or just getting and doing the best that you can in life achieving prosperity is a goal that some of us aim for. There is nothing wrong with wanting more as long as it doesn't cut us off from our moral compass. For myself being a Christian it means that I don't cut myself off the source of my faith which is Christ.

Linda Kleist in her article Steps to start your prosperity flow relates how there are some people that no matter what they do always come out on the top of things. In regards to these people Linda states in her article that, "For the most part, these people know and more important use the five steps to prosperity. Once you have the same knowledge, your prosperity will flow to you as well."

The five steps that Linda reveals are as follows:
1. A clear and open mind.
2. Ready to receive and accept your prosperity.
3. Believe "it is so".
4. Maintain a positive attitude.
5. Give back to the Universe.

Within the rest of the article she goes into more depth concerning these steps and achieving them. To read more simply go to Steps to start your prosperity flow.
