Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Audio books for an intense brain workout

Once again it's time to link to an article from my article directory Article Database. This time it's an article entitled:

10 Best Success and Motivation Audio Books for an Intense Brain Work out

Would you like to "Supercharge" your mind - On Demand? "Do what?" You ask , oh you know: Create the state of mind where you: Feel that you can do and achieve anything. Work faster and produce better results. Break down and solve problems quickly. Take decisions like a war winning general and brush obstacles aside with ease!

Just visit the article that opens on a separate page to find out what the titles of these audio books are.

10 Best Success and Motivation Audio Books for an Intense Brain Work out

Friday, June 20, 2008

The More Done Less Time Show

Every now and then I find a business development website or blog that fits not only with helping one with business development but also with personal development. After all in order to develop a business one must develop other aspects.

Time management is one of these areas that can be useful to anyone as well as to businesses; therefore, I am telling you about this great site by fellow entrepreneur, blogger and time management expert Donna Lendzyk. The name of her website or rather her blog is the The More Done Less Time Show.

Each of her posts on this blog is a podcast, that is an audible recording of her message for the time period it is posted. She also offers a report called Seven Secrets to Getting More Done in Less Time to anyone signing up to receive email notice of when a new podcast is available. I would suggest that if you are interested in learning how to manage your time that you sign up to receive these updates.

Here's to making the most of your time.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Overcoming Fear and moving forward

Are you afraid of something? More than likely there is at least one thing that you are afraid of. Maybe, it's something as simple as going out into public, or getting up in front of a group of people in order to speak.

Maybe your fear is letting go of self-defeating, self limited behaviors for the simple reason that they are all that you know and you would feel lost without them. Maybe it's a fear of all of your friends leaving you and no longer having anyone to share with. Fear is usually based somewhat in reality due to a past experience.

Remember this:
Fear is always counseling you against the perils of 'now' because of something that happened 'once before'. --Robert Holden

The next time fear calls out to you, face it. You no longer choose to live in the past and that particular fear can't live in the present. It's time to let go of that fear and move forward.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Self-Development Newsletter

Every now and then I will be revealing a website and or newsletter that I feel fits in well with the theme of this newsletter. One such newsletter is Bradley Thompson's Self Development Newsletter.

Every issue has articles about self development, links to relevant websites and links to positive, encouraging and entertaining videos that can help you to broaden your perspective, help your relationships and career and much more. This is a quite well done newsletter and is evolving in the fact that each issue contains more and more types of information.

If you subscribe today you can obtain $4,570 worth of self-growth goodies. I would hurry and do so because Bradley claims that he's removing the offers at the end of June. Just go to to sign up for his newsletter and get the goodies Bradley is giving away.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Grumpy Movie

Although work is good because of the rewards that it brings us some of us can have the habit of working to much. Here is a fun but also good look into how our work can affect our mood in
the eyes of our children. Just visit: